LNP™ LUBRILOY™ compound

LNP™ LUBRILOY™ compound

LNP LUBRILOY is a collection of materials that utilize a patented lubrication technology. In comparison with more conventional PTFE-based materials, LNP LUBRILOY offers a cost-effective solution with reduced friction and abrasion.

LNP LUBRILOY significantly improves friction and abrasion performance, and reduces squeaking sounds caused by parts moving against metal or plastic against plastic. Further additives can be used, e.g. fiberglass, PTFE, or stainless steel, in order to achieve even higher abrasion resistance, mechanical strength, rigidity, and conductivity.

LNP LUBRILOY Compound is also available with a halogen-free flame retardant additive.

LNP LUBRILOY is available in a large number of opaque variants in a wide range of colors.

Material family

